Time To Reconsider The Walking Fingers?
A Yellow Pages ad has been a pre-ordained part of most companies’ advertising budgets for decades. But with local search capabilities becoming more refined every day, it’s a good time to re-assess your need to be locked into a print ad in a book that’s declining in use. The big search engine companies have recognized local search as the final frontier for contextual advertising. For purely business reasons, they are dedicating significant resources to ensuring companies of all sizes have a chance to utilize the medium. The spin off benefit for smaller advertisers is an advertising medium where it’s finally possible to customize ads and localize content in an ongoing fashion at an affordable cost, enabling a changing response to the market, rather than being locked into a single advertising message (both in print and online).
If you know your Yellow Pages ad is still bringing in more money than the cost of the advertisement, you may wish to continue. But, if you’re advertising there because it’s a habit… and your customers are finding you on the Internet, it may be time to rethink where you’re allocating the budget for your marketing strategy.
If you know your Yellow Pages ad is still bringing in more money than the cost of the advertisement, you may wish to continue. But, if you’re advertising there because it’s a habit… and your customers are finding you on the Internet, it may be time to rethink where you’re allocating the budget for your marketing strategy.
Labels: advertising budgets, content, contextual advertising, local search, Mastermynde internet marketing strategies, Yellow pages
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